Soraia Oliveira

3′ 30” video

Artist book


Chaos and sorrow, I received them when they were crawling. They remain the visible face of the world, the one we choose to turn towards us, when we are full of mental and emotional noise, when we only know how to access the abysm in a world saturated with restlessness. Among figurants and shadows that live in what we call real space, I decided to disturb human somnambulism.

MURMÚRIO DE PENUMBRAS (murmur of gloom) was performed when sadness started to enter my ordinary life, and I didn’t comprehend it. In the first self-portrait, I suffered a massive disappointment for having betrayed me. But in the last one I did in Bolzano, it was when, for the first time, I felt only sadness, and nothing more. I had to gain intimacy with this sadness that absorbed me in the most unexpected period of time.

This project is based on self-portraits made in Italy, Portugal, and Switzerland. It displays an expression of what I never felt before: pure sadness. And the way I accept it was by reading poetry again. The images are combined with poems of Charles Bukowski, Samuel Beckett, João Granado, Sophia de Mello Breyner, and Fernando Pessoa.

A project made in the course

WORTH A 1000 WORDS? Image and Text: From Representation to a New Politics of Seeing

Since the advent of photography, the complex relationship between photographic image, text and politics has been embedded in photographic and artistic practices as well as critical discourses of photo theory. During the winter semester 2020/21 Studio Image explored the relationship between image, text and politics of communication. We examined a series of examples on a timeline running from the heyday of humanistic photography to the implications of today’s digital technologies. The heart of this semester’s project is artistic projects that innovatively relate to text layers.