How can we interact with each other respecting social distance?

Incontrarsi senza scontrarsi

Cecilia Tommasi
Veronika Vascotto

During the Pandemic we have experienced a big change in our way of living. Social interactions as well as the way we physically communicate with each other have changed radically. Given the health emergency at a global level and the consequent impossibility of having social relations, one might wonder “How will we relate in the future?”.
“Incontrarsi senza scontrarsi” (“Meeting without clashing”) aims to define a new form of communication which makes people interact with each other while keeping distance in order to assure public safety. A series of paths placed on the urban pavement, will give people the opportunity to interact with the others in an involving and playful way, without breaking the rules on social distancing. This way, we can experience public space as a meeting place again, while respecting the law.

A project made in the course

New Domestic Escape

What is Home today? Where does domestic space start and end? When do we feel at home? Starting from the heroic exhibition “new domestic landscape” hosted at MOMA which in the 60s launched “Italian design” in the world, we will start looking for new and visionary ideas of dynamics, relationships and interactions that design our living spaces.
More projects by Cecilia Tommasi, Veronika Vascotto
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