Can you imagine instagram without hashtags?

No Titles / Chapter 1

Luisa Pisetta

Two projectors, suspended transparent sheets

#categories #rationalization #labels #identity #hashtag #abstraction

A non-material poetic abstraction that destroy the rationality of categorizing human identity.

Categories are only in our minds, but, in the reality, boundaries don’t exist. The starting point of this work is the concept of the hashtag on Instagram and how they impose pre-packaged standards on us, as human beings.

#female and #male are the two hashtags that my work analyzes going through all its stereotypes. Two categories whose differences are only cultural inventions. Each projection represents a label. By blending them, all the boundaries between them are broken, creating fluid and indefinite images, like a human is inside.

This work goes beyond the lyricism of the word, making sensibility capable of more subtle and more open-minded perceptions through a contemplative observation.

A project made in the course

ELIZA & Frankenstein – Techtopian Image Narratives

Studio IMAGE | BA Major in Art Both enthusiasm and skepticism about technological developments have always been a powerful driving force of cultural discourse and practice. The question of how far artists can not only be inspired or repelled by technological developments but can also contribute to current social discourses has been discussed recently in numerous events, such as the symposium “Guest, Ghost, Host: Machine!” organized by Hans Ulrich Obrist and John Brockman (Serpentine Marathon, 2017). How do we individually as well as a society relate to technological progress? Will “culture surrender to technology” as claimed by Neil Postman in his publication Technopoly in 1992?
More projects by Luisa Pisetta