Can we optimize the act of sowing in our garden?

O_SEEDS – a seeds tape that makes sowing easier, faster and better.

Isabel Righi


O_seeds is a seed roll that makes sowing easier, faster and better.

Taking into account the various needs and dimensions of each type of seed, this seeds tape provides the right distance and amount of seeds, as well as ensuring good seeds growth thanks to the nutritional and preservative properties of the seaweed based tape.

The production of this tape starts with the creation of long strips of seaweed on which natural glue drops are placed at a defined distance. The seeds are on it incorporated also by an additional layer of tape and finally heat-sealed. All information relating to the sowing of the seed in question are printed on the tape itself, so that they are always available.

O_seeds can be considered a real service, where the customer can buy the desired amount of tape directly from the nearest gardener. The tape containers can be refilled directly by the gardener himself as they are supplied with tapes up to 20 m long. The tape container can then be reused or it can be part of an upcycling process, in which the cardboard of which it is made would be perfect for the preparation of the garden soil in winter.

The use of this tape is facilitated by the tools provided: a small dispenser for beginners and a roller for the more experienced. The O_seeds dispenser (with a maximum capacity of 3 m) is perfect for those who don’t have much space and, for example, are forced to create their own garden on the balcony. It has a size that allows even the youngest to try this practice, thanks in part to its resemblance to a regular paper shop tape dispenser. It is composed of two pieces (made out of PLA bioplastic) which, when joined together, incorporate the seeds tape.The tip that characterizes it, acts as a plough that allows you to create furrows in the ground, while you lay the tape.

The O_seeds roller (with a maximum capacity of 10 m) is instead perfect for those who have larger spaces. It is composed of four pieces: a rigid aluminium stick, blocked at the end by a bold, is inserted inside a two-wheeled system in which the tape is placed in the centre. Only with a simple pressure of the stick the system turns and the tape is stretched while standing, eliminating fatigue on the back. The two wheels are surrounded by an additional layer of natural rubber made out of Russian dandelion which allows them to adhere to the ground.

All the tools and equipment in the O_seeds family seek to maintain the best respect for the environment as well as provide a new approach to sowing and gardening in general, providing a true service system that extends from the small pot on the balcony to the largest expanses of land.

<p>Organisation and distribution of the tape containers </p>

Organisation and distribution of the tape containers

A project made in the course

Planting. Tending. Picking.

Tools for Gardeners The word culture is derived from early farming, from agriculture and horticulture. It is based on those prehistoric activities that humans had to carry out to survive and to make the Earth their property. Agriculture is still very much practised in the same spirit, but today it is rational, mechanised and automated by using the latest digital technology. The culture of gardening, on the other hand, is the result of a human passion to create spaces with plants that are both aesthetically real and illusionary.
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