Is it possible to revitalise an urban space through a magazine?

Degree Project

PAÈS – sguardi nel paesaggio di Cortina d’Ampezzo

Anna Girardi

Anna Girardi
BA Major Design


Paés is a magazine in five issues that offers a reflection on the past and present relations between tourism and the environment in Cortina d’Ampezzo, Veneto.The starting point for each issue is the spaces – now abandoned or no longer used for their original purpose – of the golden age of tourism. Paés recounts them through both archive images and documentation of their current condition and use by the inhabitants.

The hope is to facilitate a reconciliation of the inhabitants – to whom the magazine is addressed – with these constructions and with the landscape transformations they have caused, and perhaps also with the regret of having sold off their land. The landscape is the result of choices, individual and collective, and bears the marks of the people of the town. Telling this landscape story again means giving new life and meaning to these abandoned spaces, and perhaps also a new way of imagining them for the future of Cortina.