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Pavese al Solarium

Matteo Antoniazzi

Pavese al Solarium

Photo documentation of an action

175 x 80 cm Inkjet Print, 50+ sunscreen, red tanning bed goggles

La luce del sole dipinge l’immagine di un paesaggio senza riferimento preciso, immobile all’interno delle pagine del ciclo de “La Terra e la Morte” di Cesare Pavese. Sole, sale, campi, terra morta, pietra dura. Il sole porta il giorno, l’alba, la sete, cuoce e asciuga la torba. Così la luce e il calore marchiano la pagina contenente il testo di “Tu sei come una terra” sulla mia pelle, lasciandone impressa la traccia. Parole come suggestioni di un paesaggio consumato vengono impresse dagli stessi elementi su due superfici diverse, entrambe scavate, segnate e bruciate. Tentativo di visualizzazione di un’immagine sospesa.


The sunlight shapes the image of a landscape without precise reference, unmoving inside the pages of the cycle of “La terra e la morte” by Cesare Pavese. Sun, salt, meadows, dead earth, hard rock. The sun brings the day, the dawn, the thirst, it cooks and dries the peat. Light and warmth mark the page containing the words of the poem “Tu sei come una terra” on my skin, leaving its mark. Words as suggestions of a consummate landscape are imprinted by the same elements on two different surfaces, both excavated, marked and burned. An attempt to display a suspended image.

A project made in the course

Space for one. One space

Starting from Karl Kraus’ famous aphorism “art is the quickest link between a rivulet and the Milky Way”, the course aims to experiment and highlight the impact of the individual on the world. Through the form of the diary, to go from Morris’s box to Planck’s box, to the huts that have succeeded each other in history as a space for thought. Becoming aware that objects they all tend to be part of hyperobjects, and that each of our acts is crucial in the formation of the world to come. It becomes a necessary act that imagination must meet experiment in order to respectively define the occult and visible parts of the same object, the object to which we all ultimately belong, the world.
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