what are your reference points?

Pelle su pelle

Beatrice Carner

Frottage (BZ-TN)


Documentation of the installation and some time afterwards


The tree I chose in Bolzano is a landmark for me, popping up in the middle of the green expanse of the park. Throughout my childhood, the landmark and meeting point for me and my siblings was instead the fig tree in my grandfather’s garden.

Through clay, a material that can pick up its texture, to then melt and return to earth, the skin of the tree in Bolzano become the one of the tree in my hometown, Trento. By doing so I connected my childhood, in my city, and my growing up and living another city, which I now feel a little more my own.




A project made in the course

Space for one. One space

Starting from Karl Kraus’ famous aphorism “art is the quickest link between a rivulet and the Milky Way”, the course aims to experiment and highlight the impact of the individual on the world. Through the form of the diary, to go from Morris’s box to Planck’s box, to the huts that have succeeded each other in history as a space for thought. Becoming aware that objects they all tend to be part of hyperobjects, and that each of our acts is crucial in the formation of the world to come. It becomes a necessary act that imagination must meet experiment in order to respectively define the occult and visible parts of the same object, the object to which we all ultimately belong, the world.
More projects by Beatrice Carner