What can I do with a sword?

Degree Project

Performing Movements with a Sword

Filippo Contatore

Performing Movements with a Sword is a project consisting of the construction of My Sword and the presentation of its use to an audience, accompanied by textual and photographic documentation of the process.
The work development follows the guidelines of the Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bolzano. Two dates, the 7th of March and the 14th of July 2022 mark the project’s beginning and completion, respectively, the thesis topic submission and the discussion. The requirements set by the Faculty inform my project’s development and its chosen topic.
I stated my intention to build a Sword on the 7th of March. During the four months and a half dedicated to the realization of the project, I researched the topic on the one hand by finding references to characters from literature that own a sword, and on the other hand by exploring my longing for the object, writing about imagined interactions with it. As a result of my research, I became aware of the relationship I aim to establish with my weapon once it is built.
Parallel to this exploration, I undertook the Sword’s construction using bladesmithing techniques. The making follows a do-it-yourself approach, a process that grants me complete control over the final result of my work.
During the live presentation of the dissertation, I equip myself with My Sword and establish a hierarchy among the people present, drawing my strength from my weapon in an exposed situation.
The presentation marks the fulfillment of my intention while opening up the possibility for the Sword to gain new significance. During the thesis projects’ exhibition, “Diplorama!”, I will allow other people to interact with My Sword, practicing the negotiation of my exclusive relationship with it.

<p>Thesis project by Filippo Contatore, presented in a performance on the 12th of July at the Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bolzano. Photo by Caterina Rigobianco</p>

Thesis project by Filippo Contatore, presented in a performance on the 12th of July at the Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bolzano. Photo by Caterina Rigobianco

<p>Thesis project by Filippo Contatore, presented in a performance on the 12th of July at the Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bolzano. Photo by Caterina Rigobianco</p>

Thesis project by Filippo Contatore, presented in a performance on the 12th of July at the Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bolzano. Photo by Caterina Rigobianco

Thesis project by Filippo Contatore, presented in a performance on the 12th of July at the Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bolzano. Photo by Caterina Rigobianco

Thesis project by Filippo Contatore, presented in a performance on the 12th of July at the Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bolzano. Photo by Curzio Castellan

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