What happens if we change the role of a tablecloth?

piatto ricco mi ci ficco

Olimpia Bonvecchio

One of the most primordial actions every human knows how to perform is the act of eating; during a meal, the body moves guided by the food, creating a loop where they both are cause and effect to each other’s variation. Within the space of the dining table, movements of the body and visual shapes created by the food itself engage in a unique relation that does not require any pre-determined or previously taught sequences.

In this series of performances I decided to highlight this ongoing creation of structures by changing the role of the tablecloth. From something on which we strictly avoid leaving traces, it turns into a blank surface on which the traces have a chance to be accepted as proper visual elements of a wider composition instead of being recognized as stains that must be removed.

The final purpose is to extend the whole serie to a wider scale throughout time and space, getting to imprint the various structures that every country would provide with its own peculiar cultural heritage about food and how to experience it.




08/01/21 Samone, TN – IT

io e Hanna

A project made in the course

Studio Interact 2020 2021 semester 1

Performance is understood as a medium defined by a conscious relationship – between a displaying body and an outer subject (the audience). In the course of this exchange, a meaningful content gets delivered and received. In our Studio, the body is therefore approached as direct work tool to explore its expressive and narrative potentials. We will develop, present and discuss projects structured around a live engagement.
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