E se i gioielli diventassero funzionali senza perdere la loro eleganza?

PIROUETTE – mnemonic jewelry

Licia Bellelli

Gli anelli Pirouette nascono come un elegante accessorio in acciaio che offre la possibilità di avere sempre sott’occhio alcune fedine promemoria, ciascuna legata ad una delle piccole cose che è necessario ricordare nell’arco della giornata. La peculiare forma ad ondina permette di rotare e di incastrare ogni anello su quello sottostante una volta che l’azione assegnatovi è stata compiuta; garantendo così stabilità e una composizione sempre dinamica.

Die Pirouette-Ringe sind ein elegantes Accessoire aus Stahl, das die Möglichkeit bietet, immer eine Reihe von Erinnerungsringen in Sichtweite zu haben, von denen jeder mit einer der kleinen Dinge verbunden ist, an die man sich im Laufe des Tages erinnern muss. Die besondere Wellenform ermöglicht es, dass sich jeder Ring dreht und auf den darunter liegenden passt, sobald die zugewiesene Aktion ausgeführt wurde; dies garantiert Stabilität und eine stets dynamische Zusammensetzung.

The Pirouette rings are born as an elegant steel accessory that offers the possibility of always having a number of reminder rings in sight, each one linked to one of the little things you need to remember throughout the day. The peculiar wave shape allows each ring to rotate and fit onto the one below once the assigned action has been accomplished; thus guaranteeing stability and an always dynamic composition.

A project made in the course


ATELIERprojekte is conceived as a design experience, aimed at refining and testing technique, creativity, personal organization, research, and communication. After the study of diverse typologies of product and companies, each student freely chose a personal project to work with, consisting in an object to develop, also imagining its potential producer. The path is completed by a rich formation in digital modelling and a theoretical deepening of communicative issues touched by the project itself.