PONTE – An urban intervention

PONTE – An urban intervention

Asia Maria Andreolli


A gateway to the city and the train station

PONTE is an arch-shaped installation located in the park adjacent to the station, which acts as an entrance to Bolzano station but also to the city it-self.  The aim of the project is to address the lack of a cultural centre for intangible heritage of the city and the territory. Through the use of languages and references to places PONTE make users reflect into the work and be part of it.

A project made in the course

Mind the Gap…!

Ideas for a better quality of stay at Bolzano Station. Much is said about train stations. They are operating facilities and built ideology, a stop for public transport and cargo terminal, a showpiece of their city and a gateway to the world, an infrastructure hub and mobility-system component, a cathedral of the industrial age and shopping mall, a place of longing and Non-Place, a welcome home and a kiss goodbye. Based on our extensive field research and starting from a growing awareness of the ecological benefits of rail travel as well as the changing socio-cultural conditions – triggered by COVID-19 – the semester project focused entirely on the public user interface of Bolzano Station.
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