
Portabottiglia – An easy way to carry bottles

Emanueli Alessandra Da Silva

Portabottiglia was born together with the Spring, when we started hanging out at Talvera again. It’s made to the facility of taking the drinks to spend some time with your friends outdoors, bringing them to a dinner or even making it easier taking some bottles from the cellar. Made of solid wood, it’s light and easy to carry around.

<p>Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi</p>

Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi

<p>Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi</p>

Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi

Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi

A project made in the course

Design Meets Handicap.

Design Meets Handicap. A cooperation with workshops and services for people with disabilities in Vinschgau. Today, products are a dime a dozen. For every purpose and taste as well as for every situation in life, there are high-quality luxury goods or low-priced discount versions, and they are manufactured from conventional resources or innovative high-tech materials.
More projects by Emanueli Alessandra Da Silva