Is that even a tool?

Pot Coulissant – gardening watering can

Noah Kirschgens

Water is one of the most important elements of this planet. Through its power it can destroy and kill almost everything, at the same time it is able to create and secure new life. For this reason, irrigation is an important aspect of gardening tools. The plants should not get too much, nor too little water. Therefore, over the years many different approaches to irrigation have emerged. From simple bowls, buckets to watering cans, from rivers to hoses and later to highly technical and automated irrigation systems. The focus was on the watering can, as it can be found in practically every garden and can be used in many varied ways. This focus and the knowledge that many people damage their health by lifting and carrying objects incorrectly led to Pot Coulissant. A watering can which should be aesthetic and elegant, and which can be carried by a simple attachment with a shoulder strap. Several concepts were designed to make this possible. The following questions were crucial: How do you connect the shoulder strap to the watering can and how does this require changes to the design? Thus a first fixed idea became a first prototype. This was completely overhauled with the next generation prototype. This new prototype continued into the final design. It was taken apart and every little detail was thought over, minimized and redesigned. The handle was moved by about 25 percent to one side of the watering can. It has a horizontal position at the back to ensure the most balanced handling possible. The water influence has been shifted to the opposite side by about 35 percent. The water tank has been adjusted to a comfortable size of about 9 litres. The edges of the tank were rounded off with a radius of 1 cm. The pipe is just over 60 cm long and can build up a lot of pressure due to a diameter of 3 cm. At the front end of the tank there are also knobs that prevent the spouts from falling off when pouring. For stability reasons the tube is connected to the tank by a very small tube. The material chosen was beryllium copper, not only because it has ideal properties for handling water, but also because it simply looks good.Until finally a very defined and specified design was created. The result was Pot Coulissant.

A project made in the course

Planting. Tending. Picking.

Tools for Gardeners The word culture is derived from early farming, from agriculture and horticulture. It is based on those prehistoric activities that humans had to carry out to survive and to make the Earth their property. Agriculture is still very much practised in the same spirit, but today it is rational, mechanised and automated by using the latest digital technology. The culture of gardening, on the other hand, is the result of a human passion to create spaces with plants that are both aesthetically real and illusionary.
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