Can a simple job alienate you?


Emanuele Signorini

This project has been created to show the city of Bolzano through the eyes of a pizza delivery man. In the video I want to take the viewer through a typical delivery routine, in which I pick up pizzas, get on my motorbike, arrive at my destination and return to start the whole thing over again. However, through the video, I also wanted to criticise the repetitiveness and monotony of this job, shown by the sequences of some similar scenes. Through the short loop, I want to show how also a simple job like delivering pizzas can bring the worker to the alienation given by the monotony of the work. 

A project made in the course

in situ

In 1974, French writer Georges Perec spent three days observing Place Saint-Sulpice, a public square, in Paris. While doing so, he took notes, about events and non-events – the whole idea was an experiment to capture a particular place in a literary and experimental way. Places are the visible manifestation of complex social interdependencies, which, beyond the obvious function of a place, provides information about its history and its relationship to the present, e.g. about its creation, preservation, destruction or appropriation, about ownership and power.
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