Produced to Kill

Produced to Kill

Baran Karatekin

Baran Karatekin
Academic staff
Diego Tonus
BA Major Art
2022/23 SS

Baran Karatekin
Produced to Kill
Inkjet prints on photographic paper
42×29,7 cm each


Produced to Kill is a photographic series realized without using a camera; instead it is the result of a digital process of modelling and rendering in 3d design software.

The virtual camera investigates in images, the shapes and surfaces of specific molds used for the creation of serial mass produced foods and packagings for their use within fastfood chain restaurants.

Never revealing the objects in their entirety but in details and per fragments, the work portrays molds for the creation of objects of mass consumption ready-to-use and meant to be thrown immediately after their usage.

Addictive dishes and specific food-related diseases are veiled through different colour patterns within the series, according to the molds portrayed.

A project made in the course


ORIGINAL COPY is devised as a space where participants question the meaning of an ‘original’ and its ‘copy’ in contemporary art by exploring various practices of reproduction, copying, and remaking, as well as examining their power as active gestures and critical interpretations to arrive to a ‘new original’. What reproduction modes and techniques are available nowadays to an artist? What is the meaning of ‘original’ in the historical moment we are living in and what is its relationship to authenticity? What is a copy and what is a ‘new original’?