Severin Piller
Severin Piller Academic staff
Hans Hoeger Kuno Prey Francesco Sommacal Course
ATELIERprojekte Program
BA Major Art Semester
2022/23 WS Radius ist ein Multifunktions Werkzeug für das Skateboard. Ob zuhause, am Skatepark oder auf der Strasse, Radius kann bei jeder Situation dein Skaeboard wieder fahrtüchtig machen. Seine innovative Form macht es ergonomisch, leicht und praktisch.
A project made in the course
ATELIERprojekte is conceived as a design experience, aimed at refining and testing technique, creativity, personal organization, research, and communication. After the study of diverse typologies of product and companies, each student freely chose a personal project to work with, consisting in an object to develop, also imagining its potential producer. The path is completed by a rich formation in digital modelling and a theoretical deepening of communicative issues touched by the project itself.
More projects by Severin Piller