How can the term and the idea of the curtain be expanded?

Degree Project

Rethinking the curtain

Roberta Zoe Faust

In a home, a curtain − besides being a decoration – usually serves to block out something: the light or the view. But why should its function be limited to this?
We could instead see “curtains as walls, facades, integral parts of the architecture, structures that complete a room.”
They are assigned an important place on the threshold between two sides, but don’t usually embrace the possibilities of their position – emphasizing separation and connection simultaneously, for example.
Little attention is paid to the choreography of opening and closing a curtain, even if this movement is fundamental. A curtain is something dynamic that lives on change – a change that could go beyond simple horizontal shifting aside.
This project is a discourse about curtains: a research about how they were and are used and how they influence our perception of a space or an atmosphere. Besides looking at what a curtain could do, what a curtain could be will also be discussed. How can the term and the idea of the curtain be expanded? How can the curtain be “rethought”?


<p>curtain of fog</p>

curtain of fog

curtain of ivy

curtain of ivy

<p>curtain of birds</p>

curtain of birds

<p>collage 1</p>

collage 1

prototype 1: modular rail with curves

<p>prototype 1: modular rail with curves</p>

prototype 1: modular rail with curves

<p>collage 2</p>

collage 2

<p>prototype 2: magnetic curtain</p>

prototype 2: magnetic curtain

<p>protype 2: magnetic curtain</p>

protype 2: magnetic curtain