
Sabbie Mobili

Sabrina Mandelli

Sabrina Mandelli
Academic staff
Diego Tonus
BA Major Art
2022/23 SS

Sabrina Mandelli
Sabbie Mobili
200kg of sand and a series of concealed objects


Sabbie Mobili is an installation displaying a mound of sand hiding a series of unique objects, meticulously collected by the artist over the years and then carefully buried. These objects, not to be unveiled, function as part of the installation and as notes for her potential future works. Through the act of burial of these objects, both lost, freed and preserved, the work presents a paradoxical archive of hidden objects of desire to contemplate the inherent value held within the concealed artifacts, embracing the belief that those hidden objects are indeed present under the sand.

<p>Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset</p>

Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset

<p>Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset</p>

Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset

<p>Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset</p>

Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset

<p>Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset</p>

Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset

A project made in the course


ORIGINAL COPY is devised as a space where participants question the meaning of an ‘original’ and its ‘copy’ in contemporary art by exploring various practices of reproduction, copying, and remaking, as well as examining their power as active gestures and critical interpretations to arrive to a ‘new original’. What reproduction modes and techniques are available nowadays to an artist? What is the meaning of ‘original’ in the historical moment we are living in and what is its relationship to authenticity? What is a copy and what is a ‘new original’?
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