How can we connect with nature in a digital world?

scarsa connessione

Olimpia Bonvecchio

After exhuming a really old portable tv from my garage, I started reflecting about the unconscious continuous investigation on the concept of connection that our historical period has provoked in everyone’s life.

I realized that after this pandemic, it is much more occurring to collocate it in a digital environment field of meaning, as most of the relations and exchanges of thoughts between individuals take place in a digital context. Furthermore, even if the prohibition of real-life connection was exclusively about person-person contacts, it caused a massive detachment between people and nature.

This project establishes an unusual connection with nature by transferring its organic features in a two dimensional aseptic form, not only by removing its colors but also by taking it away from its environment. With the aim to permanently be able to see and connect with nature, the action ended up destroying the connection and to visually recall the most common symbol of  bad connection, paradoxically deriving from the main antagonist of the relation between nature and Man: the digital world.

A project made in the course

Studio Interact 2020 2021 semester 1

Performance is understood as a medium defined by a conscious relationship – between a displaying body and an outer subject (the audience). In the course of this exchange, a meaningful content gets delivered and received. In our Studio, the body is therefore approached as direct work tool to explore its expressive and narrative potentials. We will develop, present and discuss projects structured around a live engagement.
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