Does violence lose its meaning when it is put in comparison with its representat


Irene Chiogna

9′ looping video, collagen sculpture, mixed media

The installation features a looping video showing the destruction of gelatin bunnies by means of different kitchen utensils. Near the computer screen lies a pedestal with a single jelly bunny, accompanied by the tools the visitor has seen in the video. The viewer is confronted with images come reality, and is left with the choice to either remain a witness or reenact the sequence.
The work reflects on the effects that the mediation of the violent act has on the act itself. Does violence lose its meaning when it is put in comparison with its representation?

A project made in the course

Violent Images

Studio IMAGE | BA Major in Art Violent images surround us. They may directly represent violence, or their violent potential may be revealed in connection with their production, dissemination or use. Images both reflect and exert violence: snapshots from the Abu Ghraib create a meme shared round the world; surveillance expands with facial recognition and drone monitoring; sexist images permeate advertising and the entertainment sector. Social platforms like Facebook and Google possess sweeping influence over what we view.
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