Is it possible to catch the light?

Degree Project

Sonnenanbeter (01-04)

Jonas D. Reissinger

Sonnenanbeter (01-04) is a family of 4 separate yet connected products which each address the question of how to “customise” the main output of a window, sunlight, in their own way. When it comes to sunlight entering a room through a window, we are at the mercy of the architecture and geographical position of the building and window in question as regards the angle, direction, colour, and general quality of light. During the course of working on this final thesis project, I set out to explore the possibilities, through theoretical research, practical experimentation, and miniature simulation, of creating a small collection of pragmatic yet atmospheric tools for the space in front, next to, and just outside of the window which would allow an active manipulation of the natural direction and colour of the light, resulting in a main product (01) and 3 variations, designed to bring sunlight to different areas and corners of an interior space according to want and need. Concentrating on the physical phenomenon of light reflection, but not exclusively, the products of the Sonnenanbeter family range from complex to simple, free-standing to wall-mounted, each attempting to find their own niche functionality without losing coherence with one another in terms of design language.

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