How we experience our personal environments through new perspectives?

Sound Experiments

Olimpia Bonvecchio
Delilah Angel Friedman
Hella-Katharina Popp
Johannes Scherer

Dérive & Sound experiment

The technique of Dérive was first introduced by the International Situationists and developed by Guy Debord.
Dérive guides through urban landscapes, without a goal. A drifting, a transient pas- sage through various environments, to wander and explore different spaces.
The individual lets go of all their original motives for movement, and wanders freely.
It is a performative act, during which the goal is to drop every intention to be drawn by the attractions of the space and the encounters that can be made, impressions and be led by chance.

In the quarantine situation, the involuntary restrictions we are facing, unable to go outside and practice the Dérive as we wish we could, we still can explore our `normal ́ habitat, the rooms we live in, the house, furniture, corners, and details.
We can translate the original urban environment into something else, something smaller, a sheet of paper, for example.



Olympia & Hella started with sound mappings. Recording sounds from their environments while being in the Dérive mindset. Johannes listend to the recordings and started spray painting on a canvas, translating the sounds into painting. He documented this with a video which Delilah watched and started to create a music & movement sheet based on the colors, movements and sounds from the video documentation. The sheet can be translated into choreography and sounds, or both at the same time. The reading of the sheet is an ongoing performance.

<p>Instructions</p><br />


A project made in the course

Studio Interact – PERFORM, BODY

‘Command’ is the topic our Studio chose for this Summer semester 2020 – and it just occurred that, since early March, a set of instructions and rules has been shaping our interhuman behaviour. Simultaneously, a relatively new teaching format got as well rapidly implemented by all schools, so to allow continuity in education in the sanitary emergency. We started our online classes with a mix of frustration and thrill. Staying forcibly separated from each other, at the beginning felt like an objective limitation to our dialogue and work process – yet, distance got gradually perceived as an opportunity to test one of the formats that performance allows.
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