Why is inclusivity rarely considered during the design process of an object?

stAbil – autonomous cooking

Samuel Simoni

Cucinare comprende molte attività che possono essere difficili da eseguire per persone emi o monoplegiche. La difficoltà più grande riguarda la stabilizzazione degli oggetti. Sviluppato in collaborazione con la terapista occupazionale G.Wurster, stAbil nasce per permettere a questo target di persone di cucinare un pasto in autonomia. Con le sue otto funzioni, quali tagliare verdure o stabilizzare barattoli, aiuta ad effettuare molti passaggi della preparazione dei pasti. stAbil vuole allonatarsi dall’estetica degli ausili per disabili, usando materiali semplici e innovativi per questo campo, come il bambù e l’alluminio.

Cooking involves many activities that can be challenging for emi or monoplegic people. The greatest difficulty concerns the stabilisation of objects. Developed in cooperation with occupational therapist G.Wurster, stAbil was created to enable this target group to cook a meal independently. With its eight functions, such as cutting vegetables or stabilizing jars, it helps to accomplish many steps of meal preparation. stAbil aims to differ from the aesthetics of disability aids by using simple and innovative materials for this field, such as bamboo and aluminum.

A project made in the course

ATELIERprojekte SS21

ATELIERprojekte is conceived as a design experience, aimed at refining and testing technique, creativity, personal organization, research, and communication. After the study of diverse typologies of product and companies, each student freely chose a personal project to work with, consisting in an object to develop, also imagining its potential producer. The path is completed by a rich formation in digital modelling and a theoretical deepening of communicative issues touched by the project itself.
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