How can we use sensory design as an inclusive tool?


Vincent Lindenmüller

Stick&Soap is a product design project that deals with the tactile sense. Our daily washing ritual is a time to take a break, close the eyes, and reconnect to the body.  Stick&Soap is a modular bathing tool that enables the user to wash her/his hair and the body. While cleaning it stimulates the scalp and the skin because of its textured surfaces. The cognac sponge deeply cleans the face and scrubs the skin while freeing the it from oils. The materials are all natural.


A project made in the course

Intorno al Corpo

During the present semester we want to explore the world of products moving from the functional and sensorial relationship we have with them, especially focusing on that category of objects that live in close relation with our body and in symbiosis with us, at the same time stabilizing and transforming our bodies.
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