How can stone powder work with textiles?


Viola Redaelli

Viola Redaelli
Academic staff
Aart van Bezooijen
S is for Stone
MA Eco-Social Design
2022/23 WS

The goal of these experiments is to explore in which ways marble powder can be integrated into textile or create a new material that associated to textile will enhance its durability and resistance properties.

In this experiments, in addition to marble powder, have been used latex and caoutchouc. These two materials have mechanical properties that make the textile material more durable over time.

The combination between marble powder and latex/caoutchouc create a fllexible and elastic material but at the same time stronger and more resistant.

Many samples have been made in order to explore how different quantities influence the properties of the material.



A project made in the course

S is for Stone

We investigated the early lifecycle stages of the processing of regional stones (extraction: Lasa Marmo, production: südtirol.stein) in South Tyrol with a special focus on manufacturing waste exploring its material qualities (characterization with Tetyana Drozd), small scale processing (frantoio sociale with studio GISTO), reuse potential (do-it-yourself recipes at BITZ fablab) and digital manufacturing (clay-printing with Druckwerk). The results are documented and shared with at the unibz material library (archiving with Eva Bauer).

Project support and collaborators:
Lasa Marmo
Studio GISTO
BITZ fablab
Tetyana Drozd
Material library
Foto Forum
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