Isn't it beautiful?


Nicol Moalli

The catalogue structure is very simple: a spread for the image and a spread for the caption. There are pictures of landscapes, of surfaces and drone pictures, each taken in a different place. Every picture depicts the illusion of a beautiful, undefined, sublime nature, however their reality, explained in the captions, is far from this impression. The images I collected represent the effects of global warming, climate change, water and air pollution. The catalogue is designed to appear elegant and fancy, white blank spaces give to it a clean and pure look. The paradox between its clean visual appreance and the filthy reality explained by the text, creates a play of illusion and disillusion of the reader’s expectations. In this case the feeling of the sublime arises from the images and enhances its power through the reader’s aknowlodgement of human environmental impact.

A project made in the course

in situ

In 1974, French writer Georges Perec spent three days observing Place Saint-Sulpice, a public square, in Paris. While doing so, he took notes, about events and non-events – the whole idea was an experiment to capture a particular place in a literary and experimental way. Places are the visible manifestation of complex social interdependencies, which, beyond the obvious function of a place, provides information about its history and its relationship to the present, e.g. about its creation, preservation, destruction or appropriation, about ownership and power.
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