How can students express themselves in their temporary living spaces?


Caterina Rigobianco

A piece of you at Rigler

Tana is a welcoming object delivered by the administration of the Rigler student residence to new guests of the structure. Tana’s design combines practical needs with forms of expression of one’s identity and reflects a design idea that removes objects from the logic of mere consumption, making them dialogue with the individuality of people. As a tent, Tana welcomes, ensuring visual privacy. The smooth surface becomes an inscribable surface, communicating with the interior and exterior of the room as mean of expression of the student’s individuality as opposed to the standard anonymity of the student residence spaces. Tana modifies the contract between administration and student: it offers itself as a customizable and temporary object in an environment meant to remain immobile over time and in the state. At the end of the stay, students are welcome to bring Tana with them as a reminder of the time spent in the student residence.

A project made in the course

ATELIERprojekte WS20/21

ATELIERprojekte is conceived as a design experience, aimed at refining and testing technique, creativity, personal organization, research, and communication. After the study of diverse typologies of product and companies, each student freely chose a personal project to work with, consisting in an object to develop, also imagining its potential producer. The path is completed by a rich formation in digital modelling and a theoretical deepening of communicative issues touched by the project itself.
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