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Tapetenwechsel: Spazio disponibile

Sebastian Carl-Marcus Haaf
Jonathan Zwiessler

The shape of “Tapetenwechsel: Spazio disponibile” is intended to be reminiscent of a window. A window in which various desires are projected. All the motifs used are from or about the area around the “Pension Bellavista”, an abandoned hotel on the Virgolo in Bolzano, which was and/or still is a place of those simple human longings.

A project made in the course

Studio Exhibit | Yesterday Tomorrow: Memory in Art

As a first assignment, the students were asked to “inhabit” the work of one of the artists who participated in the exhibition “tell me about yesterday tomorrow”. Starting from there, they should acquire tools to develop their own work. In the second assignment, following the historical perspective introduced by the very same exhibition, they should develop a personal work dealing with the topic of “memory”. The supporting modules provided the students with historical and theoretical insight on the topic of the studio, and offered technical tools to exhibit the resulting works online.
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