Can we connect present with the past through traditional objects?

Tarassaco e Meridiane

Nicole Magagnotti Panizza

This project investigates the relationship between dandelions and sundials, telling the history and culture of Val di Sole, in Trentino. Starting from an analysis of an ancient herbarium and written memories of my family, I rebuilt the meaning, role and usage of this flower in the territory. The goal is to connect the present with the past through a traditional object diffused in the valley, the sundials, which portray traditions and values of the territory. The elaborate presents connections and analogies between sundials and diapositives of my family dated back to the 60’s.

A project made in the course

Things that talk

The course aims to provide tools and method for the graphic design of the image for publishing through field research and the creation of prototypes. Design is mainly intended as narrative, as the ability to reconstruct a logical narrative structure starting from a reasoned combination of acquired elements. We are submerged by an immense quantity of images that are increasingly strident, disharmonious, screamed, multiform and disrespectful; they multiply daily, impose themselves everywhere and take possession of our lives, condition our choices. When there is too much to see, we end up seeing nothing and paradoxically to see better we need to close our eyes.
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