Can you combine furniture with urban nomadism?

Degree Project


Antonio Severi

We live mobile lives, whether it is our daily commute, moving from one city to the next, or going on a weekend adventure. People have always searched for better living conditions to satisfy their needs.

Today, globalization facilitates our urge to live in motion, as transportation is increasingly accessible, and it is more and more common for people to frequently move from one habitation to the next. Most furniture is bulky and difficult to assemble, disassemble and ship. Transportation and stocking inventory of large furniture presents high environmental and monetary costs. While our lives and world evolve, most of the objects that surround us are not made to. Changing living spaces require adaptable objects to avoid clutter.

In this project I explored foldable and deployable objects that follow the user in their journey through a life of constant change and transformation.

Sofas are one of the most difficult objects to move, both in and out of the home. I explored ways to make the sofa into a more flexible and adaptable object, reducing it to bare-bones. I aim to build an object that can follow the user and help them without getting in their way.

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