How can a children's toy implement the natural environment into the play?

Toobo – a DIY game kit for children

Stefano Lattuada

Toobo is a do-it-yourself game for children that offers a kit for building stick structures.

With this type of game, the child is the builder of his own play, not having a totally predetermined game, but finding in the environment fertile ground to invent and create. The opportunity to play with natural elements that combine well with the child’s freedom is not often granted by case games.

The game consists of an artificial element that serves the sole purpose of connecting structural elements from outside, in this way the child uses both the inside and the outside of the house as a play environment.

A project made in the course

La Leggerezza

La leggerezza non è frivola spiega Italo Calvino nelle sue lezioni americane per il nuovo millennio. Il mondo è pesante, opaco e inerte: la ricerca della leggerezza, per Calvino, è “reazione al peso del vivere”. Ciò non significa, per lui, estraniarsi dal mondo. Poiché la leggerezza, controintuitivamente è un modo di approfondire, di stimolare l’invenzione.
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