How to visualize a text in a five minute short film?

Traumakörper – Short Movie

Mia Bausenwein
Alice Speranza

This short film is a documentary of emotions and a visualization of a text that describes PTSD typical feelings like the alienation of one’s body and the disconnection from reality. The film is a portrait of feelings that have arisen as a consequence of a traumatizing experience. It goes through different phases and levels of emotions, from repression and discrepancy to realization, reflection and confrontation of the pain and finally the re-awareness of oneself.

A project made in the course

Video & Postproduktion

During this course, students create cinematic work individually or in small teams: linear short films, mini-series, multimedia web documentaries, or spatial installations. The theory is conveyed through the joint analysis of linear, interactive, and spatially fragmented film works.
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