Three uses trivet?

Trivo – A three uses trivet

Chiara Cunoci

TRIVO is a three uses trivet.

It consists of three wooden pieces inserted into a metal fillet. The pieces of wood have the shape of a parallelepiped, but are cut diagonally at the ends, to give it dynamicity.
The metal of the object is colored with the process of blackening, that consists of inserting the piece of metal into a cold solution. The wood chosen is larch wood, which has the characteristic of being resistant, durable and waterproof.

Trivo can be considered as a multi-use object, since it can be used in three different ways. If you turn the pieces of wood inwards it can hold a small pot or a coffee mocha. On the other hand, if they are turned outwards, it can hold a large pot. The last function is that of the upstand, that is to raise a serving dish, to give it more importance. Trivo can also easily be hung in your kitchen.

The measurements chosen to build the object come from a research based on the average size of the pots.
Its packaging is made by the customers of the Prad workshop and consists of a triangular folding cardboard box, colored with bright colors.

The idea was therefore to create an everyday life object: simple, playful and functional.


Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi

Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi

Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi

<p>Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi</p>

Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi

<p>Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi</p>

Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi

<p>Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi</p>

Design Meets Handicap – Summer Semester 2022 – Prof. Hackl, Prof. Berrone and Prof. Festi

A project made in the course

Design Meets Handicap.

Design Meets Handicap. A cooperation with workshops and services for people with disabilities in Vinschgau. Today, products are a dime a dozen. For every purpose and taste as well as for every situation in life, there are high-quality luxury goods or low-priced discount versions, and they are manufactured from conventional resources or innovative high-tech materials.