Do we really need a backpack to carry our everyday objects?

under/F – hybrid jacket

Martina Caprin

The “Under/F” jacket refers to the definition of the word “underfold” (to fold within so as to hide). The concept behind this product is to overcome the idea that we need a backpack or a bag to carry some of our electronic devices, by hiding them in an internal pocket of a normal jacket. Nowadays electronic devices have become a real extension of our body. During the pandemic situation of Covid-19 everybody experienced how a small device such as a personal computer can really become our own virtual office and the working tool that we use the most. Likewise the smartphone has become an extension of our brain, but also the one object that we use whenever we’re bored, punctuating our day to the rhythm of scrolling and google searches. This way electronic devices and are getting inevitably inseparable. The technological advancement is leading this process by reducing gradually the weight or the volume of our devices, especially for what concerns computers. On the contrary we are stuck to the same old ways to carry our belongings, such as  carrying bags or backpacks. But what if we start to include even more the technology that surrounds us by some simple internal pockets placed directly on a simple waterproof jacket? This way we can abandon the daily encumbrance of a bag or a backpack and embrace a new practical hybrid jacket.

A project made in the course

Intorno al Corpo

During the present semester we want to explore the world of products moving from the functional and sensorial relationship we have with them, especially focusing on that category of objects that live in close relation with our body and in symbiosis with us, at the same time stabilizing and transforming our bodies.
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