Urbanometry, the light of the stars
Giulia Fabro
This degree thesis deals with the problem of urban light pollution. It is a vast concern that negatively affects
different aspects of our lives and the ecosystem that surrounds us. Because of excessive public and private
lighting, cities are covered in a luminous dome. It obstructs access to the night sky and everything
associated with it, including stargazing. An experience that is not just about simply watching the stars but
about the culture and values of humankind, which is increasingly less able to marvel at the beauty of nature.
The old constellations are therefore replaced by new ones made of streetlamps, public lights, traffic lights,
and mobile phones. This was the starting point for the idea of my degree thesis, which through a mobile
installation and collective ritual aims to invite the community to switch off for a moment and look upwards.
The project aims to create a reconnection with the celestial vault and re-educate mankind about the
wonder of a sky that has inspired travellers and poets in the past but still has many stories to tell.