What is the future of urban spaces in Bolzano?


Carlotta Rudari


Virgoloribelle is a project to reclaim the Virgolo area (Bolzano) and emphasise its public nature as a meeting point and landscape. It was created as a protest to the new initiatives for Bolzano by the Signa association: Waltherpark and Vivavirgolo.
All the captions used for my photos were selected from the original websites promoting the Waltherpark and Vivavirgolo projects. This choice is to demonstrate how the effect of advertisement language is fundamental. Some catchy captions also lend themselves to publicising different realities and situations, such as that of the Virgolo. The project raises a fundamental question, without a precise answer but as the beginning of a reflection: how, in times of crisis, can we reorganise cities so that they are socially and ecologically fairer?

A project made in the course

in situ

In 1974, French writer Georges Perec spent three days observing Place Saint-Sulpice, a public square, in Paris. While doing so, he took notes, about events and non-events – the whole idea was an experiment to capture a particular place in a literary and experimental way. Places are the visible manifestation of complex social interdependencies, which, beyond the obvious function of a place, provides information about its history and its relationship to the present, e.g. about its creation, preservation, destruction or appropriation, about ownership and power.
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