VWAREA – A modular seating system

VWAREA – A modular seating system

Katharina Ennemoser

VWAREA is a modular seating arrangement for train stations. It consists of a base structure and divers seating, leaning and dividing modules. These can be arranged around it and adapted to specific locations and circumstances. The aim of the project is to create a homogeneous bench system and consequently to improve the quality of stay at the train station.

<p>Corporate Identity</p>

Corporate Identity

<p>A basic composition using the modules: seat, leaning element and panels.</p>

A basic composition using the modules: seat, leaning element and panels.

A project made in the course

Mind the Gap…!

Ideas for a better quality of stay at Bolzano Station. Much is said about train stations. They are operating facilities and built ideology, a stop for public transport and cargo terminal, a showpiece of their city and a gateway to the world, an infrastructure hub and mobility-system component, a cathedral of the industrial age and shopping mall, a place of longing and Non-Place, a welcome home and a kiss goodbye. Based on our extensive field research and starting from a growing awareness of the ecological benefits of rail travel as well as the changing socio-cultural conditions – triggered by COVID-19 – the semester project focused entirely on the public user interface of Bolzano Station.
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