What is the distance between a live experience and a recorded one?


Delilah Angel Friedman

Dropping Objects – Performace

I dropped three walnuts on the floor until they cracked and recoreded an audio. Then I played the recording & dropped three walnuts at the same time to an audience watching through TEAMS.

A project made in the course

Studio Interact – PERFORM, BODY

‘Command’ is the topic our Studio chose for this Summer semester 2020 – and it just occurred that, since early March, a set of instructions and rules has been shaping our interhuman behaviour. Simultaneously, a relatively new teaching format got as well rapidly implemented by all schools, so to allow continuity in education in the sanitary emergency. We started our online classes with a mix of frustration and thrill. Staying forcibly separated from each other, at the beginning felt like an objective limitation to our dialogue and work process – yet, distance got gradually perceived as an opportunity to test one of the formats that performance allows.
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