How do we behave when nobody is watching us?

when nobody is watching you

Noemi Carrara

live streaming performance 3.15 min
Bergamo, 2020

When Nobody is Watching You is a live performance presented live in May 2020 on the device Microsoft Teams. The work deal with human relationship through the use of technological devices equipped with webcams and microphones.
In the Era of work from remote and social network, who we really are and how do we behave when nobody is watching us?


A project made in the course

Studio Interact – PERFORM, BODY

‘Command’ is the topic our Studio chose for this Summer semester 2020 – and it just occurred that, since early March, a set of instructions and rules has been shaping our interhuman behaviour. Simultaneously, a relatively new teaching format got as well rapidly implemented by all schools, so to allow continuity in education in the sanitary emergency. We started our online classes with a mix of frustration and thrill. Staying forcibly separated from each other, at the beginning felt like an objective limitation to our dialogue and work process – yet, distance got gradually perceived as an opportunity to test one of the formats that performance allows.
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