Can we reuse liquid waste and make it mouldable?


Clara Dolder
Julia Caroline Silvia Ute Tebbe

FABAFORM is an innovative, eco-friendly material designed for moldable and 3D-printable applications. Made entirely from biodegradable and plant-based ingredients, FABAFORM represents a step toward sustainable design and production

Aquafaba, the cooking water of chickpeas, is often discarded as waste. It contains proteins and carbohydrates that create structure and binding properties, making it ideal for biomaterial production. By repurposing aquafaba, we transform a food byproduct into a valuable resource, reducing waste and promoting circularity in material use.

Agar-agar is derived from algae, making it a vegan alternative to gelatin. This plant-based gelling agent is not only cruelty-free but also completely biodegradable.

FABAFORM is colored using only natural pigments. Turmeric lends a rich yellow hue, while beetroot provides a deep, earthy red. These dyes are biodegradable and free from harmful chemicals.


FABAFORM is a truly versatile biomaterial that opens the door to creativity and innovation for people of all ages and professions. Its moldable, flexible, and eco-friendly nature makes it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications, from playful crafting to advanced 3D printing and prototyping.

Try it out yourself with the DIY Kit at the fablab :)


The material properties of FABAFORM differ from the moldable material and the dried material.To show this we made this ¨•¨ as a sign for the  differences in the moldable material, the¨x¨ stands for the dried material and the general properties.

A project made in the course

DIY Material Kits

Orange peels, peanut shells, avocado seeds, the daily consumption of our favorite foods often goes together with leftovers. What if we give food waste a second life? Taking scraps as the starting point to create something new? With these Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Material Kits we document and share our hands-on research with recipes to inspire and enable (future) applications.
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