Can we rethink traditional packaging?


Emanuele Signorini

EN | TRIADE presents itself as a stable all recycled cardboard packaging that allows the customers to choose the apples by their own tastes and needs while also protecting the apples. Our packaging offers an eco-friendly solution that emphasizes the protection and the quality of the apple, also nudging the clients to explore new types of apples, maybe out of their habitual tastes.

IT | TRIADE si presenta come un imballaggio stabile interamente in cartone riciclato che consente ai clienti di scegliere le mele in base ai propri gusti ed esigenze, proteggendole allo stesso tempo. L‘imballaggio offre una soluzione ecologica che garantisce la qualità e la qualità del prodotto, che a sua volta garantisce che il cliente abbia una nuova tipologia nel prodotto, il che significa che la qualità della merce sarà sempre buona.

DE | TRIADE präsentiert sich als stabile Verpackung komplett aus recyceltem Karton, die es Kunden ermöglicht, Äpfel nach Geschmack und Bedarf auszuwählen und sie gleichzeitig zu schützen. Unsere Verpackung bietet eine umweltfreundliche Lösung, die den Schutz und die Qualität des Apfels in den Vordergrund stellt und die Kunden auch dazu anregt, neue Apfelsorten zu entdecken, die vielleicht außerhalb ihres üblichen Geschmacks liegen.

A project made in the course

A is for Apple - From Fruit to Cultural Landscape

Vinschgau controversies and design perspectives. This winter semester, I wanted to encourage a group of interested students to rethink design in the context of the social, ecological and agricultural controversies of our time. (neuer Absatz!) As part of the A is for Apple project, we have explored the history of the apple as food, commodity and cultural plant, from cultivation to sorting as well as its storage, packaging and marketing infrastructure. In our research, we have analysed the conflicts and effects of intensive apple farming on ecosystems, the cultural landscape and tourism.
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