Where are the women?

Unequal Seats

Annika Bertram
Charlotte Redonnet
Finn Reutter
Greta Wagner-Görmar

EU gender balance lies at 40% women and 60% men, the EU consi- ders the parliament balanced. A fundamental principle of democracy, and so of gender equality, is that women and men should have equal rights to participate in politics and contribute to the decision-making processes that affect their daily lives.

Full contribution to the work of parliament requires equal access to leadership positions, a working environment free from any form of gender-based violence and respectful working condi- tions. The access of female members of the parliament to top leadership positions has improved, but gender segre- gation in committees remains.

A project made in the course

Information Design & Visual Storytelling

In a world heavily driven by the production and consumption of information, being able to read and represent it has become extremely critical and undeniably important. The Information Design and Visual Storytelling course aims to provide students with the theoretical background - and the opportunity to practice it - necessary to develop visualization projects in their entirety. The first part of the course will consist of lectures interspersed with small exercises to make students familiarize with the disciplines of information design and visual storytelling. We will work together to understand the basic principles of the discipline and how to apply them in real projects.
More projects by Annika Bertram, Charlotte Redonnet, Finn Reutter, Greta Wagner-Görmar
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