How can we valorize apple waste?

FEEDO - zero waste fruit

Chiara Prosser

What if apples lost in the field or shop leftovers were integrated into animal feed instead of being thrown away? This circular economy project aims to raise awareness on the issue of food waste with a network between greengrocer’s, farmers, and breeders. These stackable apple crates are made up of three interlocking pieces, the breeder can remove or add sections depending on the animal’s height, the latter can eat from the holes or from the top.


E se le mele perse sul campo o avanzate nei negozi venissero integrate alla dieta animale invece di essere buttate? Questo progetto di economia circolare vuole sensibilizzare sul tema dello spreco alimentare tramite una collaborazione tra fruttivendoli, contadini e allevatori. Queste cassette di mele impilabili sono formate da tre pezzi a incastro, l’allevatore può rimuovere o aggiungere le sezioni in base all’altezza dell’animale, il quale potrà mangiare dai fori o dall’alto.


Wie wäre es, wenn Äpfel, die auf dem Feld verloren gehen oder im Laden übrig bleiben, ins Tierfutter integriert würden, statt weggeworfen zu werden? Dieses Kreislaufwirtschaftsprojekt zielt darauf ab, durch ein Netzwerk zwischen Gemüsehändlern, Landwirten und Züchtern das Bewusstsein für das Thema Lebensmittelverschwendung zu schärfen. Diese stapelbaren Apfelkisten bestehen aus drei ineinandergreifenden Teilen. Der Züchter kann je nach Größe des Tieres Abschnitte entfernen oder hinzufügen - das Tier kann aus den Löchern oder von oben fressen.

A project made in the course

A is for Apple - From Fruit to Cultural Landscape

Vinschgau controversies and design perspectives. This winter semester, I wanted to encourage a group of interested students to rethink design in the context of the social, ecological and agricultural controversies of our time. (neuer Absatz!) As part of the A is for Apple project, we have explored the history of the apple as food, commodity and cultural plant, from cultivation to sorting as well as its storage, packaging and marketing infrastructure. In our research, we have analysed the conflicts and effects of intensive apple farming on ecosystems, the cultural landscape and tourism.
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