How can we rethink our urban living environment?


Arthur Paul Ottmann

The project is based on an analysis of Andrea Zittel's "Wagon Station" project. Andrea Zittel has questioned her urban environment and analysed what a person needs to live, critically alluding to the multitude of objects in everyday use. At the same time, the project alludes to the contested and cramped urban space available to people in large cities. With these guiding principles, she has designed the Wagon Stations, a capsule with the minimal basic functions of a human habitat and the stations are used as an artist colony in the desert in California.
With my design, I have taken up the idea of spatially minimising and isolating the human habitat and designed the "Vistadentro" superfurniture. The design is inspired by an island and places the occupant in a considered perspective, raised from the ground. From there, they can inspect the actual surroundings in all directions as if from a high platform.Unlike Andrea Zittel, who places the object in the desert and alludes to the contrast between the concept of space and the urban environment, I bring the concept back into the urban space, namely into a covered living space. The actual living space remains empty and from "Vistadentro" you can experience the space anew, from a perspective never experienced before.

A project made in the course


With Superfurniture we intend dispositives in the domestic environment that are too big to be considered a piece of furniture and too small to be considered a building. A piece of superfurniture contains simultaneously more of the functions that enable us to inhabit our homes. Could we imagine an interior containing a single object characterising the space surrounding it as a building does on its plot, instead of a series of items scattered within its volume? After having analysed a series of projects following such an approach in terms of occupation of the space, we started imagining our own personal piece of superfurniture…
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