How can picturebooks influence children on their way of thinking?

Degree Project

Voicing tolerance through picturebook art - A publishing project on diversity for children

Greta Andreini

In the contemporary international context, the world is deeply marked by divisions, conflicts, and discord; moreover, the growing aversion towards refugees and restrictive immigration policies reflect a marked loss of community sense, fueled by anti-immigration political campaigns. The increasing importance of this theme, far from unknown to humanity, highlights the urgent need to involve the younger generations in the debate and to invest in an education that promotes a relationship with society based on empathy and inclusion.

Despite the common underestimation of children’s capacity to understand some aspects of the adult world, they actually possess an innate curiosity and desire for exploration that make them particularly receptive, especially if supported with the right tools. In this regard, picturebooks have proven to be very effective media in conveying complex themes, such as diversity, using accessible language and images close to the world of the young with which they can identify with the protagonists of the stories, better understanding their challenges, emotions, and experiences.


My picturebook project aims to cultivate constructive discussions in educational and familial environments and to enhance the development of an open and tolerant mindset in future generations in the hope of contrasting the frequent demonization propelled by political campaigns and emphasizing the common humanity that binds us.

A project made in the course

BAD Laurea / Abschluss 24.1

Graduation projects from the Majors in Design and Art.