Where is light needed?

Degree Project


Martina Caprin

 The importance of lighting in the restaurant industry cannot be overstated when it comes to providing a great customer experience. However, achieving optimal lighting in spaces with constantly changing layouts can be challenging without adaptable lighting solutions. TIL is a pendant lamp developed to address this issue. Based on the common practice of bringing tables together to seat people, TIL is a pendant lamp developed to adapt, conform, and provide task lighting to three possible table configurations. Two tilt sensors enable the spotlight to switch on in the 'I' configuration while the LED strips remain switched off. Instead, in the 'L' and 'T' configurations the process is reversed, the outer components are switched on and the central one is switched off.TIL is a strategic lighting tool that can improve the lighting possibilities of a space, reduce the overall demand for light sources, and promote a pleasant and well-lit environment.

A project made in the course

BAD Laurea / Abschluss 24.1

Graduation projects from the Majors in Design and Art. 
More projects by Martina Caprin