How is a contemporary carpet conceived?

Degree Project

Realizzare tappeti con l'utilizzo della tufting gun

Sofia Rossi

The current cultural shift towards a rediscovery and valorization of craftsmanship underscores a profound need to reconnect with authenticity and individual experience. Society, affected by rapid industrialization and product standardization, is recognizing the intrinsic value of crafts that gently renew tradition, rediscovering the beauty of creating with one’s own hands.


The aim of this thesis is to use the tufting technique, a weaving practice that gained popularity online during the COVID-19 pandemic, to create a rug dedicated to communal spaces such as cultural centers, museums, universities, schools, institutions, or workshops, where dialogue and debate naturally coexist. The inspiration behind this project materializes in the creation of a rug that appears unified but reveals itself as a collection of distinct sections.


This particular artifact allows different individuals to enjoy their own individual space within the single rug while simultaneously sharing a common space with others, feeling part of a group. Once the moment of dialogue has ceased, the rug with vibrant colors will remain in the room as a unique piece of furniture, ready to be used according to its traditional conception.

A project made in the course

BAD Laurea / Abschluss 24.1

Graduation projects from the Majors in Design and Art. 
More projects by Sofia Rossi