
Mamma Macchina

Miriam Governatori Leonardi

Reaching a symbolical end of my academic journey brings me to a renewed encounter with the external world, as it implies the conclusion of the protective relationship that the university institution has had towards me. Like a new weaning, this process brings me back to a feeling of anxiety and insecurity from which I seek consolation.Therefore, I engage myself in the construction of a comforting machine, that takes care of me without ever fully healing me. "Mamma Macchina" is a portal to a transitional dimension, that extends my body and blurs its boundaries with the Outside.

Through a performative ceremony, I symbolically inaugurate my state of fusion with this artificial creature, returning to it the power to permeate my bodily independence, much as I did during its construction. Our mutually maternal relationship is displayed before the public, whose presence combines the intimacy of pain with the social and political connotations of care.
Anxiety robs me of sleep and serenity, but I am save as long as I play with it. I lose myself in the timeline of events, and I return to the maternal womb. My body is so calml that it can forget itself.

A project made in the course

BAD Laurea / Abschluss 24.1

Graduation projects from the Majors in Design and Art. 
More projects by Miriam Governatori Leonardi