How do we define being Mexican in a profoundly ethnical-diverse-country?

Degree Project

¿Y si nos quisiéramos más? The Mexican Dilemma

Ana Cecilia Bautista Diaz Mercado

¿Y si nos quisiéramos más? The Mexican Dilemma is the outcome of self-reflection, self-analysis, and self-questioning, and hence an intimate part of a cultural and mental process of decolonization and destigmatization. As ‘modern’ Mexicans, we tend to forget the importance of our indigenous peoples and their existence, and instead idealize their art, and claim it as our own. We see their value through what is commercial or has a touristic appeal, we idealize it and claim it as our own, whilst completely disregarding their endless fight for visibility and more dignifying life conditions. We single-out what we consider to be beautiful of theirs and declare it part of who we are as Mexicans. But what does it mean to be Mexican, in the first place? How do we define the being Mexican in a profoundly ethnical-diverse country? How do we deal with our nationality when the society we’ve built has a long and painful history of racial and social discrimination, that is little dealt with if not constantly overseen and unacknowledged? In a country where people are judged by their appearance and considered to be more Mexican than others, and hence to deserve accessto spaces, services and even to basic human rights? More than offering a fixed and precise solution, this project is intended to be seen as an acknowledging experience regarding this one that acutely harms and affects the livings of many groups, but which is strongly denied and ignored. It is the narration and the attempt of me, a Mexican individual, to become aware of it and offer, from a personal perspective, a place of reflection and self-criticism to others that might share a similar experience with mine. It is an attempt to recognize our role in the racism occurring in our country and to question and de-colonize our mentality and our actions. In the hope, that we finally learn to appreciate, accept and love who we are.

A project made in the course

BAD Laurea / Abschluss 24.1

Graduation projects from the Majors in Design and Art. 
More projects by Ana Cecilia Bautista Diaz Mercado