Da grigio a verde – Von Grau zu Grün
Mirjam Bauer Michela De Paoli Tetyana Leontyuk Kuch Simon Rufus Wallis
Bolzano is experiencing increasingly hot summers. Climate change means that heatwaves are becoming more frequent and intense. The project ‘Regreening Bolzano’ plans to transform the two asphalt areas at the Premstallerhof into a ‘green oasis’ with more trees and greenery, thereby improving urban biodiversity, social interaction, and the general quality of life in the city.
‘Da grigio a verde – Von Grau zu Grün’ focuses on the social aspects of the redesign, recognising the importance of involving residents, Premstallerhof associations, and park users. The project's work includes analysing and understanding how people use the space, identifying needs and constraints, and creating tools that support people in collaboratively developing visions for the space to make Bolzano greener and more liveable together.
One focus was the creation of a tool that enables the initiative and the inhabitants around the Premstallerhof to envision the space together and bring their ideas and wishes to the table. In an intense workshop with the title ‘Immaginiamo Insieme’, individuals and the initiative took part in a collective discourse about the possible future and potential for addressing climate change factors in an urban area. The workshop was part of a bigger event that had the goal of creating a first connection between the initiative and the neighbourhood, in which also other workshops were organised to envision and interact with the space and see its potential.
External partner: Associazione Ambiente e Salute